
Dangerous Sections of the Garden State Parkway

Date: January 31, 2025
The Manasquan Car Accident Lawyers at Kitrick, McWeeney & Wells, LLC Advocate for Safer Driving on NJ Highways

Motorists who often travel the Garden State Parkway (GSPW) are likely familiar with its most dangerous sections. Much of the time, it is not possible for them to avoid those areas, and countless people drive them most days of the week. While some drivers proceed with caution in these sections, others do not – that is a main reason why accidents happen on this busy NJ highway.

We are sharing the four most dangerous sections of the Garden State Parkway in hopes that readers will keep them in mind as they approach. Knowledge is power; educated drivers can become safer ones.

Southbound From Exit 98 To 91

This part of the parkway features no shoulders, super steep grades, and the tightest of corners.  We advise against passing other vehicles on this short stretch. In the summer, this section is known for major congestion because these exits lead to popular beaches. Those include Point Pleasant, LBI, Seaside, and Belmar.

 Express Lanes Southbound – Exit 109 To the Merge

The path from Exit 109 to the Local/Express merge can feel frightening, with no shoulders and winding curves. Route 36 also merges into the Parkway in this section, and drivers who do not yield can cause high-speed merge crashes. If you do not need to take these busy express lanes, avoid them.

The Asbury Toll Plaza

Toll plazas always present risks, with multiple lanes of traffic slowing down to get through the tolls. Even though this plaza has a newer lane pattern, motorists still clamor to get into the express lanes at the last minute. Sometimes, drivers realize they do not have an EZ-pass transponder and attempt to switch lanes when it is too late to do so safely. For safety’s sake, adhere to the lower speed limit when approaching. Once you make it through, accelerate slowly and evenly, watching out for merging vehicles.

Southbound Exit 82

Here we have motorists entering the GSPW from Route 37, plus others attempting to exit so they can travel to Toms River. We recommend keeping out of the right lane in this section; the middle one can be tricky as well.

Tips for Driving on the Garden State Parkway

The Garden State Parkway is known to be the busiest and deadliest highway in the Garden State. Highly populated areas like Union County also produce more traffic in certain sections of this highway. So even when these dangerous areas are not hazardous, you could run into other issues elsewhere.

These GSPW safety tips can prevent serious accidents:

  • The GSPW has some shoulders, but never try to drive on them.
  • Always carry toll money in case you cannot use your E-ZPass. Some of the toll plazas are not staffed 24/7.
  • Never stop your vehicle in an active lane.
  • Wear your seatbelt and ensure that your passengers do as well.
  • Avoid distractions like talking on cell phones and eating while driving.
  • Listen to weather reports. If fog, heavy rain, or snow is predicted, postpone your trip.
  • Enter your route into your GPS before leaving your home instead of adjusting it en route.
  • NJ laws require drivers to turn on headlights when using windshield wipers.

The Manasquan Car Accident Lawyers at Kitrick, McWeeney & Wells, LLC Advocate for Safer Driving on NJ Highways

Even the most conscientious drivers get into accidents. If this happened to you in Middlesex County, Atlantic County, Mercer County, Monmouth County, Ocean County, and New Jersey, look no further than Kitrick, McWeeney & Wells, LLC. Our experienced Manasquan car accident lawyers offer free consultations and trusted legal guidance. To learn more, call our Manasquan and Brick, NJ, offices at 732-920-8383 or complete our online form.